domingo, 29 de abril de 2012


A continuación les presento las preguntas que habia pensado hacerle al doctorando de Estados Unidos.

  1. How much time do you invest working in your thesis?
  2. Have you had the experience  to stay abroad working with other group?¿Was worth?
  3.  How is the relation between University and Industry about the investigation?
  4. How do you think is the best way to make the doctorade, with a grant or may be possible to have a work and pay it with self-financing?
  5. How did you decide to work in the topic you are working in your thesis?
  6. It is known that writing cientific papers are really important for the curriculum of a cientific and even for the cientific community. Therefore, I’d like to know how many papers, in average, have you written since you started your doctorate?
  7. How many papers do you expect to have written before you present your thesis?
  8. Are you going to finish soon your doctorate program? Are you satisfied about results and experience gained in the topic you are working with?
  9. After finishing your doctorate program, what would you like to do? Would you like to continue in the investigation area or do you think is better work in the industry (away from the investigation)?
  10. Have you had any offer to have a job and stop doing your thesis? This is because when I think about the doctorate i know that it is really difficult because, in average, it takes 4 years to finish it and i’d really like to start with it after finishing my master program. However, I would like to know if have you ever you thought that it was a mistake to make it because it would have been better to work those 4 years instead?
Estas eran las que tenia en mente, se que muchas de las preguntas que planteo las iba a tener alguien mas de los compañeros. Sin embargo, estas eran unas preguntas que tenia pensadas como que si yo hablara directamente con el doctorando nada mas pero en una charla con mas personas se abarcan muchos temas que muchas veces no se tienen pensado por lo que habrían surgido mas interrogantes en el desarrollo de esta.

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